# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- # Contains global variables # Copyright (c) 2023-2024 ZianTT, FriendshipEnder import sys import os import json import inquirer import sentry_sdk from loguru import logger from sentry_sdk.integrations.loguru import LoggingLevels, LoguruIntegration from login import * from utility import utility from utils import prompt, save, load import time from i18n import * version = "v0.8.5" def agree_terms(): while True: agree_prompt = input( i18n_gt()["eula"]) if "同意" in agree_prompt and "死妈" in agree_prompt and "黄牛" in agree_prompt and "不" not in agree_prompt: break else: logger.error(i18n_gt()["wrong_input"]) with open("agree-terms", "w") as f: import machineid f.write(machineid.id()) logger.info(i18n_gt()["agree_eula"]) def init(): logger.remove(handler_id=0) if sys.argv[0].endswith(".py"): level = "DEBUG" format = "DEBUG MODE | {time:HH:mm:ss.SSS} | {level: <8} | {message}" environment = "development" print("WARNING: YOU ARE IN DEBUG MODE") else: level = "INFO" format = "{time:HH:mm:ss.SSS} | {level: <8} | {message}" environment = "production" handler_id = logger.add( sys.stderr, format=format, level=level, # NOTE: logger level ) if not os.path.exists("agree-terms"): agree_terms() else: with open("agree-terms", "r") as f: hwid = f.read() import machineid if hwid != machineid.id(): agree_terms() with open("agree-terms", "w") as f: f.write(machineid.id()) sentry_sdk.init( release=version, profiles_sample_rate=1.0, enable_tracing=True, integrations=[ LoguruIntegration( level=LoggingLevels.DEBUG.value, event_level=LoggingLevels.CRITICAL.value ), ], sample_rate=1.0, environment=environment ) return version, sentry_sdk class HygException(Exception): pass def load_config(): go_utility = False if os.path.exists("config.json"): logger.info(i18n_gt()["welcome_new_version"]) if os.path.isdir("data"): import shutil shutil.rmtree("data") with open("config.json", "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: config = json.load(f) save(config) os.remove("config.json") logger.info(i18n_gt()["new_version_ok"]) if os.path.exists("share.json"): logger.info(i18n_gt()["check_share"]) with open("share.json", "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: config = json.load(f) save(config) os.remove("share.json") if os.path.isdir("data"): import shutil shutil.rmtree("data") if os.path.exists("data"): run_info = prompt([ inquirer.List( "run_info", message=i18n_gt()["select_setting"], choices=[i18n_gt()["select_keep_all"], i18n_gt()["select_keep_login"], i18n_gt()["select_new_boot"], i18n_gt()["select_tools"], i18n_gt()["select_tools_relogin"], i18n_gt()["select_reset"], "语言设置/Language setting"], default= i18n_gt()["select_keep_all"] )] )["run_info"] if run_info == i18n_gt()["select_new_boot"]: logger.info(i18n_gt()["select_new_boot_msg"]) temp = load() config = {} if "pushplus" in temp: config["pushplus"] = temp["pushplus"] if "webhook" in temp: config["webhook"] = temp["webhook"] if "ua" in temp: config["ua"] = temp["pushplus"] if "captcha" in temp: config["captcha"] = temp["captcha"] if "rrocr" in temp: config["rrocr"] = temp["rrocr"] if "proxy" in temp: config["proxy"] = temp["proxy"] if "proxy_auth" in temp: config["proxy_auth"] = temp["proxy_auth"] if "proxy_channel" in temp: config["proxy_channel"] = temp["proxy_channel"] use_login = False elif run_info == i18n_gt()["select_keep_login"]: logger.info(i18n_gt()["select_keep_login_msg"]) temp = load() config = {} if "gaia_vtoken" in temp: config["gaia_vtoken"] = temp["gaia_vtoken"] if "ua" in temp: config["ua"] = temp["ua"] if "cookie" in temp: config["cookie"] = temp["cookie"] if "pushplus" in temp: config["pushplus"] = temp["pushplus"] if "webhook" in temp: config["webhook"] = temp["webhook"] if "phone" in temp: config["phone"] = temp["phone"] if "captcha" in temp: config["captcha"] = temp["captcha"] if "rrocr" in temp: config["rrocr"] = temp["rrocr"] if "proxy" in temp: config["proxy"] = temp["proxy"] if "proxy_auth" in temp: config["proxy_auth"] = temp["proxy_auth"] if "proxy_channel" in temp: config["proxy_channel"] = temp["proxy_channel"] use_login = True elif run_info == i18n_gt()["select_keep_all"]: logger.info(i18n_gt()["select_keep_all_msg"]) config = load() use_login = True elif run_info == i18n_gt()["select_tools"]: logger.info(i18n_gt()["select_tools"]) go_utility = True use_login = True config = load() elif run_info == i18n_gt()["select_tools_relogin"]: logger.info(i18n_gt()["select_tools_relogin"]) go_utility = True use_login = False config = {} elif run_info == i18n_gt()["select_reset"]: choice = prompt([inquirer.List("again", message=i18n_gt()["select_reset_msg"], choices=[i18n_gt()["no"], i18n_gt()["yes"]], default=i18n_gt()["no"])])[ "again"] if choice == i18n_gt()["yes"]: os.remove("language") os.remove("data") os.remove("agree-terms") config = {} logger.info(i18n_gt()["select_reset_ok"]) else: logger.info(i18n_gt()["select_reset_cancel"]) return elif run_info == "语言设置/Language setting": set_language(True) config = load() go_utility = True use_login = True else: save({}) config = {} import ntplib c = ntplib.NTPClient() ntp_servers = ( "ntp.ntsc.ac.cn", #//Zhejiang ping: 27.75 ms "time.pool.aliyun.com", #//Zhejiang ping: 32.5 ms "time1.cloud.tencent.com", #//Zhejiang ping: 35 ms "asia.pool.ntp.org", #//Zhejiang ping: 37 ms "edu.ntp.org.cn", #//Zhejiang ping: 41 ms "cn.ntp.org.cn", #//Zhejiang ping: 41 ms | ipv6 | 有时候抽风 "cn.pool.ntp.org", #//Zhejiang ping: 50 ms | 有时候抽风 "ntp.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn", #//Zhejiang ping: 55 ms | ipv6 "time.asia.apple.com", #//Zhejiang ping: 78.75 ms "time.windows.com", #//Zhejiang ping: 89 ms ) skip = 0 for i in range(10): try: response = c.request(ntp_servers[i], timeout=1) except Exception: skip += 1 else: break if skip >= 10: logger.error(i18n_gt()["time_sync_fail"]) config["time_offset"] = 0 else: time_offset = response.offset if time_offset > 0.5: logger.warning(i18n_gt()["time_sync_delta"].format(time_offset)) config["time_offset"] = time_offset while True: if "cookie" not in config or not use_login: config["cookie"] = interactive_login(sentry_sdk) import random headers = { "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 17_5 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/618. (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/21F90 BiliApp/77900100 os/ios model/iPhone 15 mobi_app/iphone build/77900100 osVer/17.5.1 network/2 channel/AppStore c_locale/zh-Hans_CN s_locale/zh-Hans_CH disable_rcmd/0 "+str(random.randint(0, 9999)), "Cookie": config["cookie"], } user = requests.get( "https://api.bilibili.com/x/web-interface/nav", headers=headers ) user = user.json() if user["data"]["isLogin"]: logger.success(i18n_gt()["user"] +' '+ user["data"]["uname"] +' '+ i18n_gt()["login_success"]) if user["data"]["vipStatus"] != 0: logger.info(i18n_gt()["user_bigvip"].format((user['data']['vipDueDate'] / 1000 - time.time()) / 60 / 60 / 24)) import machineid sentry_sdk.set_user( { "username": user["data"]["mid"], "hwid": machineid.id()[:16] } ) if "hunter" in config: logger.success(i18n_gt()["hunter_mode"]) logger.info(i18n_gt()["hunter_grade"].format(config['hunter'])) save(config) break else: logger.error(i18n_gt()["login_failure"]) use_login = False config.pop("cookie") save(config) if go_utility: utility(config) return load_config() return config